<VV> Steve update
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:57:09 -0400
You do know the "pump" that's getting the "rebuild" is HIS heart, right?
Sometimes, it's difficult for engineers to recognize humor...
In a message dated 7/16/2004 11:29:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Tony Underwood <tonyu@roava.net> writes:
>At 11:33 hours 07/15/2004 -0400, AeroNed@aol.com wrote:
>>Terry Kalp and myself went to visit the MAUM pilot, Steve Ziegler, in the
>>hospital today. We went baring gifts, a set of 60 degree offset wrenches.
>>is a Corvair mechanic in training and is collecting the necessary tools. The
>>offset wrenches are perfect for getting to the fan idler nut and bolt. We
>The offset 9/16 is also handy for getting to those belhousing bolts behind
>the heater hose spigots.
>>wrapped them in yellow ribbon (Steve is planning on painting the MAUM
>yellow) and
>>fake fall leaves (Steve is convinced that Terry and I are putting leaves
>in his
>>front vents. We wouldn't do that).
>Brass screen, glued to the underside of the front cowl vent with RTV.
>>He's very worried about the pump overhaul tomorrow. I told him to just opt
>>for the electric pump and he will have no worries. Since Steve is an early
>>he going to get the manual pump repaired, the way God intended. Smitty would
>>be proud.
>No electric pumps, rebuild the manual pump and all will be well. Manual
>pumps worked well for decades and with a simple overhaul they'll go again,
>for just as long. Here's to good luck and getting the old chassis
>back on the roads again.
>>Seriously though, Steve's daughter is going to print out some VV posts for
>>him to read during his recovery, is that dedication or what?
>Everybody get together their best tech tips... ;)
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