<VV> Re: solid flywheels - Bob Benzinger's input
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:23:30 +0000
> From:
> > > What is the reason for the two piece
> > > flywheel? Is a solid flywheel good or bad?
A Speech by Robert P. Benzinger
at the Corsa National Convention
Seattle, Washington, July 26, 1975
>BIG snip< But the one that did happen was a frightful noise at 45-55 miles per hour. It sounded just like a freight train was on your back bumper with a full load of cars heading up a rocky mountain grade. Just a frightful racket that would drive you out of the automobile. Well after a lot of detection from black boxes in the laboratory, we finally determined that the flywheel was vibrating about a vertical axis. A tilt vibration that was excited by the firing of the front cylinder, No. 6. A wheel that was flexible so that it would not follow this crankshaft induced vibration, also made the noise go away. So we designed this nightmare of a three piece flywheel with rivets around the periphery, and of course the noise was fixed.