<VV> Re: Mopar on the VV
Dennis Nichols
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 23:04:26 -0700 (PDT)
As has been said the '57's were a sorry case. The style was released a year too early in a sales ploy. As I've read, the bodies hadn't quite had all the engineering done. Numerous complaints came about, and the lack of build and design intergity had a lasting effect on Chrysler. One could make a case that it was the beginning of the downward spiral that Mopars are sitll trying to recover from ( and giving fits to the boys at D-B these days). Aftter the rust and integrtiy issues were fixed, Chrysler had to suffer with Exner's styling, which dated rather rapidly. A 1961 Dodge is one of the ugliest cars I've ever seen.
Remember, Mopars before 1957 were considered the paragons of quality and engineering aomng the big three. At least that was the popular image. After the 1957 model year, Chrysler lost market share it never regained.
"Every time a man gets in his car it should be a vacation"- Harley Earl
Dennis Nichols CORSA, CKC
1961 Lakewood 700 98/3
Interested in wagons? lakewood700@yahoo.com
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