<VV> Torque converter
Clark Hartzel
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 10:35:03 -0400
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 19:36:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: lloyd biggerstaff <lloydscorvan@yahoo.com>
To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
Subject: <VV> torque converter
Heeelp, I am in the process of installing an early 102 h.p. engine in my
1965 Corvair Monza.I was trying to install the torque converter from my 150
h.p. turbo engine onto the crank of the 102 and found that the stub shaft is
a larger diameter than the crank hole on the 102. Are there different year
coverters for different model engines and will the powerglide trans work
from the 150 h.p. engine?Thanks for any info.
Regardless of the fact 150HP engines didn't have torque converters, the
problem is easily solved.
A stick shift crankshaft has a bronze pilot bearing pressed into the hole.
Pull the bearing/bushing out and your torque converter will fit into the
crank hole. There are many ways to pull a bushing but I find the easiest is
to screw a tap one size bigger than the hole in the bushing. The tap will
cut threads into the bushing until it bottoms out in the crank. Keep
turning and you will push the bushing right out and it ends up on the tap.
Clark Hartzel
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