<VV> Should I use solid copper spark plug wires?

John Beck jb30343@navix.net
Wed, 14 Jul 2004 15:50:45 -0500

You might consider a set of wires from Silicone Wire Systems.  They'll
double your horsepower, increase gas mileage by 300%, cure arthritis and
improve your looks.  I'm not sure if they'll set off explosives. 
Seth??  --J.B.

Derek Archer wrote:
> the subject pretty much is self explanatory. Our local club's master
> mechanic swears by solid copper wires. I have normal resistance wires
> in my two corvairs because that is what they had when I bought them. I
> have seen claims that solid copper wires play absolute havoc with your
> radio and can even set off explosives if you drive past a construction
> site. I want as much spark as I can get to keep my engines running
> smoothly. Should I use solid wires even though people say to keep them
> off the road?