<VV> Re: '67 Head rests
Mon, 12 Jul 2004 21:52:45 -0400
The '67 Monza head restraints are rare, and the '68's seem even rarer.
By comparison, '66 restraints are as common as dirt. The '68 could be
mistaken for a '69, but the post is more like the '67. While the '67
restraint is like no other, being thicker, not as wide, and taller than
the later ones; plus it is the only one that has a ducktail. Not sure if
they are the same as the Camaro, but I have a lead on a single Camaro
seat as soon as the guy digs it out of his storage barn. Will know more
then. I have only heard a rumor of one '67 500 with head restraints.
Of all the sets I've seen at all the CORSA conventions, I recall seeing
only about 8 sets of '67 Monza head restraint seats. All except two sets
have been 2door sets, and all except one set have been black. And I
happen to own half of them! (G) Two sets are in my convertible and
4door, while the other 4door set is promised to my buddy for his 4door.
Which leaves me with one more set that I've been thinking of using in a
project car I have in process, should I decide to go with the stock
seats. I'm torn between them and custom seats.
Why I asked the question was to see if there were any more of them out
there and to see if there was a market price established.
Bruce Schug wrote:
> I don't ever remember seeing head rests for sale for my '67 (I've got
> the seats). I'd sure like to get a couple. Anyone know of any?
> Mark, are they the same as Camaro head rests?
> Bruce
> On Jul 12, 2004, at 9:35 AM, airvair wrote:
> > Since the discussion has pertained only to '66 seats, I wonder if
> > anyone
> > has checked about the price of '67, '68, or '69 head restraint seats,
> > just for comparison? Each has their own particular design, and the '69
> > seats have two styles of restraint.
> >
> > -Mark
> >
> Bruce W, Schug
> CORSA South Carolina
> Greenville, SC
> bwschug@charter.net
> CORSA member since 1981
> '67 Monza. "67AC140"