<VV> Re: VirtualVairs digest, Vol 1 #726 - 10 msgs
Sun, 11 Jul 2004 23:27:31 -0400
> From: "kovacsmj" <kovacsmj@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: <VV> Corvair tight rebuilt crank shaft
> OK, Time for the engine builders to put the thinking caps on!
------------------big smit------------------
Smitty says : Mike you are right of course that the cam only turns once
for each two crank revolutions but guess what? The crank only turns once
for each crankshaft revolution. gg Don't think for a minute that the
crank gear can't be distorted. I had one like you describe once and it
was caused by a hammer handed machinist who pressed the gear off and on
cold to magnaflux the crank. I do feel you are on the right track to
spin the crank without the cam installed. Let us know.