<VV> Re: Brake Lining Thickness
Frank DuVal
Sun, 11 Jul 2004 21:49:45 -0400
Brake Linings and Disc Pads
3. Riveted linings or disc pads are worn to less than 2/32 of an inch
over the rivet head(s).
4. Bonded or molded linings or disc pads are worn to less than 2/32 of
an inch in thickness or are worn beyond manufacturer's specifications.
5. Wire in wire-backed lining is visible in friction surface.
6. Snap-on brake linings are loose.
7. Any lining is broken or cracked so that lining or parts of lining are
not firmly attached to the shoe or has cracks on the friction surface
extending to the open edge.
8. Grease or other contamination cannot be satisfactorily removed from
the lining, drums, or rotors.
9. Rivets in riveted linings are loose or missing.
10. Any lining or pad is misaligned or does not make full contact with
the drum or rotor.
I just checked the Virginia State Police Saftey Inspection web site (
http://leg1.state.va.us/000/reg/TOC19030.HTM#C0070 ) and found the
above information. 2/32 of an inch is .0625":, or about twice what GM
thought of as unuseable. Of course this means that a brake lining just
bigger than .0625" is considered safe for another year's worth of driving.
Frank DuVal
64 Spyder Conv.
and others
69 Subaru 360