<VV> Head rest seats
Steven J. Serenska
Sun, 11 Jul 2004 18:23:58 -0400
I wrote:
>What they are worth vs. what people are currently paying may be two
>different things.
so Joe gushed forth with:
>What people are paying is EXACTLY what things are worth. Did you have some
>other way of reckoning what they are worth?
> What people are paying MAY not equate to the amount of money YOU think
>something is worth, but all that means is that either: (a) you'll buy one,
>or several, as soon as you can get your hands on them; or (b) you're not in
>the market for them.
I'M not sure who pee'd in YOUR corn flakes this morning, but please forgive ME for forgetting to add the words "to you" before "vs.". I apologize for the omission and can see that doing so undermined the point I was trying to make.
I paid $180 for a set of headrest seats on eBay 2-3 years ago. I considered myself lucky to get them at that price. Since then on eBay, I have seen one pair go for $225, a few between $400-500 and the rest in the $300-375 range.
I may not know a lot of things about Corvairs but I do know something about this one little sliver of the Corvair market. I also know a thing or two about collectibles and the laws of supply and demand. Write me offline if you'd like me to tell you why.
Steven J. Serenska