<VV> Corvair healthy, Caddy sick
Frank F Parker
Sat, 10 Jul 2004 20:04:47 -0400 (EDT)
> acquired '69 Cadillac Convertible. The distributor is stuck to the block.
> I think it's a bad case of aluminum\cast iron corrosion. I've sprayed with
> PB blaster and pried and pounded to no degree of success. It's stuck fast
> and won't budge. Are there any ideas short of sawing it off and chiseling
> the remainder out? BTW, my Corvair has never given me any grief. I reserve
> the Corvair for short range crusin' and was hoping the Cadillac would be my
> long range driver. So far only a hanger queen.
Generally to reak the bond, you would need heat. Not sure a propane or
mapp torch is enough. Possibly one of the guys who works on older cars
daily will have an answer about how much heat is necessary. I remember on
some stuff having to use an oxyacet torch and get it pretty hot.