<VV> Brake material thickness
Tony Underwood
Sat, 10 Jul 2004 17:07:05 -0700
At 02:46 hours 07/10/2004 -0400, Harry Yarnell wrote:
>Herr jr Read is right. As many a time I've run into perfectly good brake
>shoes that are contaminated; there's no way I know of to save them.
I've reclaimed fluid-contaminated brake shoes by giving them a good soaking
in Purple Clean for a couple of days and then leaving them out in the rain
(during the monsoons) for a week or so, followed by another week in the
summer sun interspersed with episodes of more rain and sun etc.
Actually, this came to pass by accident after trying to clean them with the
Purple Clean... which wasn't all that quick and didn't appear to work at
first. I'd simply gotten disgusted and left the shoes on a stump "around
back" and a couple weeks later following a stretch of weather as
described, they looked fine. I eventually used them and had no problems.