<VV> some POR-15 facts
Jim Burkhard
Sat, 10 Jul 2004 00:48:34 -0400
Good story and a well-needed caution, but one thing might mislead people...
NONE of the cartridge / filter respirator masks will protect you in an
environment when isocyanate paint is being sprayed. If paints of that sort
(many of them these days... Clear coats, catlyzed enamel, urethanes,
polyurethnaes, etc...) are being sprayed, you MUST use a supplied-air
respirator. These are the ones that force feed you fresh air from outside
the painting area. They are available and they aren't all that expensive.
Go in with a friend and buy one & share it. I lend mine out to guys whom I
mooch other tools from. Even when spraying non-catalyzed paint, it's so much
Spray & play safely...
Jim Burkhard
> IMO, anytime you are spraying ANYTHING through your spray
> gun, have a well fitted respirator on, with filters that are
> changed on a regular basis. As I tell people who tell me
> they don't want to quit smoking because they know they will
> gain weight......
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John McMahon" <jmac2112@adelphia.net>
> To: "Virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 7:53 PM
> Subject: <VV> some POR-15 facts
> > 1) POR-15 contains isocyanates, so be especially careful if
> spraying
> > it.