<VV> Re: [VV-talk] Corvair on sales lot in PA
John Hower
Fri, 09 Jul 2004 16:43:36 -0400
Was the car lot along Rt. 30 or one of the back roads, Bob? I'm 25 miles
east of Harrisburg and 20 miles north of Lancaster, so you weren't too far
away when you cruised through. I'll probably be out close to Gettysburg
later this month but I'm not sure exactly when. Our son moved last weekend
so we've been helping them get settled and SWMBO has me remodeling the two
rooms he was using here.
At 11:23 AM 7/8/04, dodgeshelby@cafes.net wrote:
>I just got back from a long father/daughter motorcycle trip to the
>midwest, northeast and Canada. I was on a stretch of road from
>Fayetteville, PA to Gettysburg, PA and noticed a real nice looking
>early model convertible sitting on a car lot. I failed to turn around
>and go back and check it out (my daughter wanted to get to Gettysburg
>and then on to Lancaster!!) but this car really caught my eye. Is
>there anyone around that area that is familar with the lot or the
>car? I knwo this is a long shot but I would love to check that car
>out more as I am "sort of" in the market for a early model vert. BTW,
>there was a rough looking late model convertible for sale just down
>the road from the early.