<VV> 50 VV Messages later...now in Dubuque...little Corvair mostly
John Miller
Thu, 8 Jul 2004 23:32:29 -0500
Well I just got back online after relocating 150 miles North of my previous
residence in Burlington, Iowa now in Dubuque.
Man I hate moving! Gave away lots of stuff, threw away lots of stuff.left
some stuff.....the good thing is now I get to start collecting new stuff! Most
of my Corvair stuff is still in boxes stuffed in the garage.
The upside is I got my sedan off the jackstands and will be driving it as
soon as the new exhaust arrives. Fortunately my wifes 67 coupe is running
perfectly...unfortunately I still have lots of unpacking to do....fortunately
I do now have all new appliances......unfortunately Lowes made that a delivery
nightmare.....fortunately I now have a larger garage and a nice barn for more
Corvair stuff....I have been eating out for a week and a half....it will be
nice to get a home cooked meal.....nope not tonight....got to finish the left
over take out!
Anyway For you ICE guys I probably wont make the picnic this
Sunday.....unfortunate stuff! I need to get unpacked so I can make it to FIRE
& ICE........got to get ready for the 2005 Iowa Mini also (LOL...cheap plug)
and read these 50 plus VV messages in my box.
Any Corvair guys in Dubuque? Email me.
John Miller
Formerly West Burlington, Ia.
Now ....Dubuque,Iowa