<VV> Anybody noticed more interest in vairs
Steven Serenska
Thu, 8 Jul 2004 18:57:12 -0400
I, too, have noticed this happening. I thought it was just a coincidence.
Last Wednesday, I was driving my convertible out of a parking garage in Providence, RI. A guy came up while I was waiting to pay and said, "If it's not too forward, may I ask you if you'd like to sell that car?"
I told him I wasn't interested, but said I would be VERY INTERESTED in helping him buy one of his own. He said he had always admired the car's superior engineering and wanted one but was having trouble finding one. I told him that he should join CORSA first thing. We exchanged email addresses and I sent him a ton of Corvair links, a CORSA application, and other Corvair info.
The very next night, I was sitting in my office after dinner when one of my children said "there's a guy at the door about the Corvair". I walked to the door, half-wondering how the guy from the night before had tracked me down. It turned out to be a different guy. He had just bought a Corvair and said that, when he drove it through town (Bristol, RI), "a bunch of kids told me there was another guy in town with TWO OF 'EM!" The kids told him where I lived and he came over.
This second guy was completely new to Corvairs and had just bought a '65 Monza convertible (that I had never seen around) because he liked it so much. I invited him into the house and printed out the same email full of links that I had sent to the other guy. I also printed him out a CORSA application.
I held my breath all day Friday waiting to see who else would show up, but my streak had ended.
Are we on the brink of something?
Steven J. Serenska
'66 Corsa Coupe -- driven to work today
'65 Monza Convertible -- in the garage because it looked like rain