<VV> Re:VV 704 Leaky Diff
Wed, 07 Jul 2004 09:13:14 -1100 (SST)
Hi Todd,
My understanding is that you CAN use it, but will only be able to mount with 4 bolts. Not a huge deal, since it worked that way for 60-65.
It is not as strong, so unless you are running a much higer HP engine, no issues, as I understand it.
If I am mistaken, someone please correct me and let me know the issues for future reference.
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 15:32:48 EDT, Tareece@aol.com wrote:
> OK ...Thanks to all that replied. So the consensus is that a 66Diff will not
> work with a 65 Tranny without some modifications. From what I've read, I
> thought it was a clean swap...No matter...
> I live in Middle NC and NEED a 65 Diff to mate with my 65 Tranny..I am
> looking to have little 65 Convert moving soon because of this coupling..Therefor,
> I am offering to purchase 1,2, or more 65 diffs to complete this quest. I
> won't even know if my clutch job is decent until this problem is solved...So,
> anyone out there in Va, Sc, NC and even Ga or TN that has the parts needed for
> me to do this?
> Anyone? Bueller, Ferris Bueller?
> Thanks again!
> Todd Reece
> 65 Monza Convert
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