<VV> Steering Box Price
Mike Stillwell
Wed, 7 Jul 2004 08:44:18 -0700 (PDT)
I would suggest looking on Ebay. The hot-rodders pay
much more for these boxes than we do. I've seen early
aluminum boxes go for up to $100 a shot. I know a
T-Bucket guy in my area that has a standing offer to
buy them for $25 per box. To me $50 would be
reasonable for a good box. Remember that the parts
that wear (the nut and pitman arm shaft) will transfer
into your car's box if you need to rebuild your's at
some point.
Regards - Mike
--- Mike Kost <vairmike@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I had a guy ask me the other day about buying a
> Corvair steering box to
> use in a T-Bucket he was building. I went home and
> looked to see what I
> had and found I had 2 long shaft boxes standing in
> the corner which I
> don't expect to have a use for since my son's `66 is
> the shorter shaft
> model and my car is a `68. What would be a
> reasonable price for one of
> these boxes?
> --
> Mike Kost
> Show-Me Corvair Club
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