<VV> Re: Electric heat

J R Read_HML hmlinc@sbcglobal.net
Tue, 6 Jul 2004 17:53:32 -0500

Yep... THAT can be a problem.  There ARE some parts that are SUPPOSED to
seal the lower shrouds from water.  Don't know what they are called or what
material they are.  The little square ones don't seem to do much.  Maybe you
can invent something out of a better material that will seal better and last
longer.  Some asbestos substitute?

Anyway - see page B7 in Lon's catalog for a picture of the "seal kit".

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Later, JR
'61 Rampside Standard 4/110
'65 Monza Convertible 4/140
'66 beater Coupe - icemobile 4/140

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jon Gilbert" <jon@gilbertgrp.com>
To: "Vairs" <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 5:41 PM
Subject: <VV> Re: Electric heat

>   But I think that the hard Florida downpours are
> filling up my lower shrouds with water, then the system is pumping hot wet
> air onto my cool windshield, which then condenses into fog.