<VV> Looking at a '65 Corsa Convertable

seoxford@att.net seoxford@att.net
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 21:37:26 +0000

Tom A Cepak said: "I'm looking at a '65 Corsa Convertible with a average redone paint job.... several bondo places on the body.  Some rust ....engine doesn't run, can rotate the engine by turning the crankshaft pully...single 4 barrel carberator, no turbo or 4 carbs...don't know if the power top works because ..battery is completely dead.  The seat covers and door panels are usuable but probably need replacing.  I think I could restore this car, but I don't have a clue what to offer...."

Tom - Matt and others have offered excellent suggestions about value and restorability.  I would like to offer another suggestion - if you have not already obtained a copy of the "Buying a Corvair" checklist, go to Steven Serenska's website at:


and download a copy of the checklist.  His travails in trying to do exactly what you want to do are detailed on the website.

BTW - if you'll tell the VV list what you are looking for and what you want to pay, there may be someone who either has a car for sale or who knows of a car that would fit your needs exactly.

Good luck!  

Steve Oxford/'63 conv.

PS - you wouldn't have to worry about some of that rust if you bought an early model ;-)