<VV> UM Updates???

Paleofish sbuna@unm.edu
Mon, 5 Jul 2004 18:09:59 -0600 (MDT)

Well the new ULTRA 110 engine is happily in Geoff's  yellow coupe.  It is 
more powerfull than the 102 it had before.  There are no smoke clouds and 
no funny sounds.  Pulls strong and smooth.  Pretty good for an engine 
scavanged from Del Patten's 
garage and if you have seen the picture on the main group red site page 
you will know what we are 
talking about.

-Sally Johnson

~~Sally Johnson~~~<}}><~~~~www.unm.edu/~sbuna~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
when those pesky Mongolians try to invade, they'll come to the wall and 
say "Oi! We can't invade China! They've got cute fishies!" 