<VV> Whatta ya' think about old rings?

EUGENE1938@aol.com EUGENE1938@aol.com
Mon, 5 Jul 2004 13:35:19 EDT

In a message dated 7/4/04 5:43:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
GYoungwolf@aol.com writes:
The lifters and bearings quieted down after about 10 minutes of idling 
and easy revs, but the smoking continued. We let it run about half an hour. I 
have heard that this is a sign of bad rings (no compression gauge was 
available) and am seeking opinions as to whether the rings might eventually 
clear up after all this time, and whether there are additives that might help? 
the engine mileage is unknown, it seems it couldn't have been all that bad 
having been in the car a maximum of 4-5 years. 

I've run into this problem several times now and found an additive that works 
for me.  It's
"Valvemedic" by Solder seal/Gunk.  It's available from better FLAPS.  I got 
mine from Pep Boys.  AZ doesn't carry it.  Make sure the oil is relatively 
clean and a new filter is in place.  Add two bottles of the "Valvemedic" and drive 
the car.  I recommend short drives and let it cool down as the cleaning 
action is best during the heat-up phase.  This procedure worked very effectively on 
a Rampside engine that I bought that had been stored for seven years and 
smoked like a chimney so bad that when I lifted my foot from the throttle it would 
obscure all of the traffic behind me.  After I got it home I changes the oil 
and filter and added two bottles of the additive and would start the engine 
every night after I got home from work and let run at a fast idle till the oil 
got hot than shut it off.  After a couple of weeks it quit smoking and I was 
able to drive it with pride.

Ed Corson (CORSA member)
IECC - Riverside, CA