<VV> Darrin won't ask but I WILL
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Sun, 04 Jul 2004 15:43:02 -0400
As a membership Chairman, I am both forwarding this e-mail and asking
on behalf of Darrin (a new Corvair owner) for members of CORSA to help him.
You got plenty of ways to contact him and help and make him feel welcome
Chuck Armer
>Importance: Normal
>To: "Louis C. Armer, Jr." <carmerjr@mindspring.com>
>Cc: Sadek Charles H DLVA <SadekCH@NSWC.NAVY.MIL>,
> "Bill Elliott" <Corvair@fnader.com>
>Subject: Re: <VV> preparing an engineless Corvair for transport
>From: Darrin Hartzler <dhartzler@ifc.org>
>Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 10:18:56 -0400
>X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on IFCHQ12/SRVR/IFC(Release 6.0.2CF1|June
>9, 2003) at
> 07/04/2004 10:18:59 AM
>I did join both Group Corvair (though I have only made one meeting) and
>Northern Virginia Corvair (two meetings so far)....as well as Corsa. I am
>one of the typical family stories, my dad bought a 63' convertible new and
>we always had Corvairs around. We even drove out to the Corsa convention
>in Seattle...I think it was 1975 or so. I have been living abroad and
>out of Corvairs for some time and just moved back to the States two years
>ago. I bought a 65' Corsa convertible that is too far gone (rust...go
>figure) that I am parting out. I am shocked at the price of parts now...I
>guess a lot of time has passed since I was working on Corvairs.
>Since the car is near Philadelphia, maybe I should try to recruit some
>help from Corsa folks up there on VV....but it seems a bit much to ask
>folks who I do not know to come out and help me bolt up and load a
>car. The friend I had recruited had to back out. If you know anybody in
>that area, I would be very grateful for any help.
>Though it wouldnt surprise me if I did ask that people would come
>out...some of my best memories as a kid were with Corvair people.
>Thanks again,
>Darrin R. Hartzler
>Senior Corporate Governance Officer
>International Finance Corporation
>Washington, DC
>Phone: +1-202-473-0027
>Fax: +1-202-974-4459
>Office: F10K-332
>e-mail: dhartzler@ifc.org
>-----"Louis C. Armer, Jr." <carmerjr@mindspring.com> wrote: -----
>To: Darrin Hartzler <dhartzler@ifc.org>
>From: "Louis C. Armer, Jr." <carmerjr@mindspring.com>
>Date: 07/03/2004 10:13PM
>cc: Sadek Charles H DLVA <SadekCH@NSWC.NAVY.MIL>, "Bill Elliott"
>Subject: Re: <VV> preparing an engineless Corvair for transport
>That's great Darrin. I am copying this e-mail to Chuck Sadek and Bill
>Elliott as they are relatively close to you and may provide additional
>help/imfo to you in your quest. Sorry you got a bad winch from HF but
>if it is bad it's sure best to find out BEFORE you need it. You have joined
>CORSA and a local club? If not that should be your next two steps.
>At 04:10 PM 7/3/04 -0400, you wrote:
> >Thanks Chuck for the good advise...went to the HF store nearby the other
> >day and picked up one of the winches...though I think I got a defective
> >one. Will have to trek over there tomorrow.
> >
> >Am beginning to recruit the manpower.
> >
> >Much appreciated advise. Yes, I think I will be joining Group Red pretty
> >soon.
> >
> >Darrin
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman