<VV> batteries
Tony Underwood
Sat, 03 Jul 2004 09:32:13 -0700
At 07:58 hours 07/03/2004 -0500, mholifield@bootheel.net wrote:
>Tony Underwood writes:
>> Maybe I just had a bad string of luck...?
>> tony..
>Odd--the last Exide I had lasted 4 years on my Harley-not the best
>environment for a battery. They rarely last more than a year.
>The replacement, a Yuasa, looks just like the Exide, and is probably the
>same battery, has lasted 3 years so far.
That might well be the reason; the bike variant may well not be made by
Exide at all but contracted and Exide put its name on the suppliers
Not that Yuasa has a rep for outstanding longevity with bike batteries (I
usually got a year or two, tops, as well) but I suppose as time passes and
customer feedback lends data, the manufacturers might improve their
product. After all, if they don't, somebody else will come along and put
them out of business.
Speaking of which... I need to get another battery for my Goldwing. In
the appx ten years I've had it, I think I've bought around 3 batteries and
this will be the 4th... this doesn't count the new battery it had when I
got the bike. I need to chase around and find a better 'Wing battery,
maybe something not Japanese...? Or, is it just me that suspects that
the Japanese excellence in electronics and auto manufacturing doesn't
extend quite as far when lead acid storage batteries are in the mix...?
>I guess it just depends on your luck.
That too...