<VV> RE: JetHot coatings on turbo exhausts
Jim Simpson
Thu, 01 Jul 2004 20:52:31 -0400
I originally did it all with their normal "aluminum" finish coating, but
when I replaced the crossover pipe after welding in an O2 sensor bung, I
had them coat it with their high temp insulating coating. It's a rough
black finish, and as you said, it's supposed to be good to 2k F. Doubt
I'll ever see those kind of temperatures though on the current engine.
It was good talking to you at Lexington, Frank. If you are interested, I
can send you the data files from my instrumented run -- the software to
look at it should be a free download from Dataq.
Jim Simpson, Group Corvair.
At 08:53 AM 7/1/2004 -0400, Frank F Parker wrote:
> > Jim, thanks for the response. This is exactly the information I was
> > looking for. Did you also have them coat the exhaust turbine housing?
> > Would this be a good idea?
> >
> > Norm
> >
>The usual silver Jet-Hot according to them is good for 1300 deg F. I used
>it on a Honda exhaust manifold connected to a custom turbo and the coating
>dulled up and little aluminum balls came off because the exhaust temps
>were 1500 deg at extended wot. Most coating companies offer a higher temp
>coating suitable for the turbine housing.
>A stock 180 hp turbo would usually get away with normal JetHot because
>the mixture at wot is very rich keeping temps down. In addition wot is
>done done for very long .
>My next Corvair project will be a Corsa turbo like I bought new in 66
>except with modern low intertia wastegated turbo and fuel inj with micro
>processor controlled water/alcohol fuel injection. A motor like this that
>has boost immediately in 1st gear will build temps fast and will need the
>2000 deg version that JetHot sells.
>frank parker