<VV> Oil pump external leak late model
Thu, 1 Jul 2004 07:47:57 -0400
I recall that someone years ago wrote about this problem. I think the
fix was to press out the pin and weld the hole closed so the hole is
blind ended. I would guess that the shaft was shortened and then pressed
back into the hole. I think Locktite and other sealants were tried, but
because of the different coefficient of expansion between the steel shaft
and the alum housing, sealants didn't last long. Does anybody else out
there remember the details of the fix?
Because the above fix has to be done (I think) off the engine, it would
require a lot of work just to r&r the housing. I wonder if pressing the
shaft out and grinding a groove for an o-ring would work. I don't see
why it wouldn't. I would use a countersink tool to make a chamfer on the
hole to help the o-ring enter as the shaft is pressed back home.
John Ryall
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 16:11:29 -0400 Pitts10ch@aol.com writes:
> Hi guys,
> This question is by proxy. A friend has a car leak steady oil from
> the oil pump shaft where it presses into the oil pump housing. Any
> ideas on what to do here?
> Thanks,
> Chris Hand
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