<VV> Engine removal/Reinstall
Terry Kalp
Wed, 30 Jun 2004 20:10:01 -0500
There are many ways to the top of the mountain, this is what works for me.
First element is a transmission jack from Harbor Freight, I used the small
hydraulic one. Then I made a frame from 1.5 inch angle iron that fits
between the outside of the oil pan bolt heads and the turned up edge of the
pan (if you have a finned pan you will have to grind some clearance for the
fins on one end). The angle iron frame is bolted onto the top platform of
the transmission jack. There are two positions, one for removing the engine
only and the other for removing the engine and transaxle together. Another
important element if you are pulling the engine only are some guide pins
made from 3/8ths x 2" bolts with the heads cut off. These help keep the
clutch fingers off of the "snout" when pulling or replacing the engine (
Thanks for the idea Matt).
The one disadvantage of the Transmission jack is that it does not fold as
flat as other systems. The advantage is that you can tilt the engine front
to back and side to side when trying to line it up. Putting the rear tires
up on a pair of drive on ramps gives me enough room to pull an engine by
removing only the air cleaner(s) (unless it is a turbo).
If my explaination is inadequate, I can e-mail photos and dimentions to
anyone interested.
Terry Kalp