<VV> Cave Man Car siting?
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 14:22:29 -0500
Noticed a white Corvair last night, at a tow shop, less than 2 miles from my
home. Stopped to check it out, even though it was dark. Didn't check the
vin, but, I'll share what I saw in case someone is interested.
White early two door coupe
front left tire off w/starter sitting on top of it
Rest of tires flat
battery "box" on passenger side of car (implies 1960, right?)
no battery
no air breathers
engine compartment very dusty, but not dirty/greasy/oily
muffler in front floor board
didn't see a stick shift, but no shifter on dash either?
no carpet
header falling down
seats are falling apart
front bumper dented
body looked straight, surface rust all around body of car, above the trim
No for sale sign, but obviously needs a lot of work.
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