<VV> Ultra MONZAs defined
Ken Wildman
Sat, 28 Feb 2004 14:28:12 -0500
At 01:20 PM 2/28/04 -0500, UltraMonzaWest@aol.com wrote:
>And here, as a newbie, I thought you guys were talking about
>UltraVans which were the Corvair powered motorhomes. Now that I
>know that you are talking about restoring Corvairs as ultimately
>cheaply as possible about like Nash and Hudson guys keep their trash
>cars going, with all the disgusting public feedback that gets, I'm
>not very impressed.
>But I guess an Ultra Corvair is kind of like a "rat rod", huh?
>Anti-society, anti-cultural, anti-restoration, anti-corporate
>America, anti-environmental, etc.
>I don't relate.
>relate?? heck, you're so far out in left field....no flame ggg
>Resto??? NO WAY! Trash??? go to the dump for that...
>"Ultras" are CARS....CARS..to drive..use.......
>They are "repaired"...using as many "USED"..tested good ....parts vs. NEW
>Cheaply??? For sure!! We all have SEVERAL Vairs....and do not wish to
>impress anyone....just enjoy our favorite cars...
>Rat's?? Anti??? no way...these are the cars that are seen on the streets
>daily! The cars that let others know WE are still around..
>The cars we will drive in bad weather to get to a meet...that we set on the
>fenders while BS'ing with our friends....
>My landlord asked if I wanted to garage my WUM?? Why? I asked!
>Wayne...did you look at the page I posted? WUM and MWUM are hardly
>rats......and if you knew Geoff and Sue....and their other cars.....the
>SWUC will
>surely sport a fresh coat soon....the EUM??...krylon....Hank...they go
> LOL!!
As you so correctly indicated, Ultra (a term denoting the very best) is
reserved solely for the beautiful motor homes built by the Ultra company in
the 1960s.
Some of our unwashed brethren, with limited vocabularies, couldn't remember
the appropriate term to define their cars so they simply misappropriated
our name and dragged it through the grease and scattered car parts of their
various garages, car ports, lean-to's, and other car repair (hit it with a
big hammer) facilities.
The term that they so desperately strived for, but couldn't recall is:
Acme. If you ever saw a Road Runner cartoon you cannot fail but to
understand how closely their attempts at Frankensteinian parts assembly
resembles the output of the "Acme" name-brand.
(Signed) A completely objective observer,