<VV> Alternator Problem

Charles Morgan charliemorgan@comcast.net
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 17:25:43 -0800

Make sure the regulator case is grounded (usually a separate short wire 
screwed to the reulator case and to body sheet metal.

Charlie Morgan
Beaver State Corvairs

At 01:58 PM 2/26/04, Smitty wrote:
>Smitty says;  Got a problem with the Boss's Rampy charging system.  Alt
>light came and went for a couple of days, finally staying on.  Started by
>jumpering Bat + to the field terminal.  Alt output 17 volts or so.
>Changed the regulator.  No change.  Read out every wire in the system and
>checked terminals for looseness and corrosion, visually and with an ohm
>meter.  Tried another reg, No change.  Tried another Alt, No change.
>Answer to me is, field lead from reg not sending signal to Alt but I'm