<VV> Rough Running at WOT FIXED! THANK YOU

G Fox gfox@vanion.com
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 13:06:51 -0700



Members of this forum are a superb resource and happy that 
you benefited from Joe's knowledge and willingness to assist.

Most people carry a Corsa Membership Roster (or should) when 
they travel as it is well known that there are many people 
listed in it who would help when called upon.


>Hi everyone
>I went over to Joe Potts' place on Tuesday morning where we 
swapped carbs 
>from side to side, put in a set of used but good plug 
wires, new distributor 
>cap and new Autolite spark plugs, and replaced vaccuum hose 
on the balance 
>tube.  After this, the car ran great, all the way up to 
full throttle in 
>every gear, from cold start to sustained high speed 
operation.  It has NEVER 
>done this since I owned it.  Since we did all the work at 
once, we weren't 
>able to determine exactly what fixed the miss, but I 
presume it's either 
>spark plugs or wires.  Thanks to all of you who pitched in 
with help and 
>advice, and especially to Joe Potts for all his time, 
knowledge and constant 
>parts donations.