<VV> LM Brake Drum Run Out Posts
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 10:44:18 EST
I sent the following email a bit ago and want to clarify one thing.
Smitty... This was not directed at you and after sending it I realized it
would appear so. Your
responses are most always right on and to the point.
The reason was the original question was "What is the runout limit."
I was sitting in the vicinity of my manual collection so I looked it up and
answered. I also
post it to the list so in case anyone else was curious as to the answer they
would have it.
There were other posts that were not helpful in any way and then there was:
Let's expand what you stated--The ".005 total indicator reading" is AFTER
the drum has been re-surfaced! Ref .Corvair Shop Manual Pg 5-13; 2nd
paragraph,last sentence(under Figure. 27)--Gotta get picky-ya
know---------! Dewey
This is the sort of thing that I find to be a waste of time space and
bandwidth and am begining to understand why Larry Claypool left this list.
Y'all will note that my answer to the gentleman that wanted to know about
mounting his tissue holder in his '65 LM was not posted to the list. But he
didreceive an answer and
a scanned copy of the proper page from the 1965 Accessory Manual.
Just had to comment on this... But then I'm also suffering from a severe cold
and not my
usual happy and jovial self.
In a message dated 2/25/04 2:57:06 AM Pacific Standard Time,
kaczmarek@charter.net writes:
> Smitty says: I am not sure what the original question was asking since
> the term runout was used and questioned. The .005 quoted by someone is
> the limit of runout. (that is orbit around the center). If the question
> was asking the max diameter you can turn a Late drum to, the answer is
> 9.560
The question was asking for the maximum runout...
I answered it for him on the list as well as direct...
Next time I answer a question it will be driect only.
The rest can find out for themselves.
Tim Abney
CORSA and I.E.C.C. Member
'65 Monza Coupe
'61 Lakewood
'62 700 Sedan (not yet roadworthy)