<VV> VDO Oil Pressure Sender Unit

Jim Simpson simpsonj@bellatlantic.net
Tue, 24 Feb 2004 21:28:52 -0500

Not sure about the dimensions of the VDO unit, but I've got an electrical 
pressure sender mounted on a hollow bolt that replaces the standard bolt 
for the oil filter.  The sender mounts vertically over the oil filter.  Use 
a quick disconnect to unhook the electrical wire when you need to change 
oil filters.  You may have to work out a way to ground the bolt -- the 
fiber washer electrically insulates the bolt from ground.  I use a 
crushable aluminum gasket/washer instead of the standard fiber gasket.

I made my own hollow bolt -- I have a small lathe and had time on my hands 
one winter -- but Clarks and Lon Wall among others sell them.

Jim Simpson, Group Corvair.

At 12:50 PM 2/24/2004 -0600, scmills wrote:
>How do folks add the VDO oil pressure sender. Mine has interference problems
>with the fan belt and pulley. 90 degree fitting? Oil hose from grease gun?
>Alternate location?
>Am seeking to run a VDO sender with outputs for gauge and idiot light. 