<VV> Performance Engine Mods
Bruce Schug
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 21:00:50 -0500
On Feb 23, 2004, at 1:36 PM, Ron Guy wrote:
> Dave
> My 2 cents is reflected in the order below.
> -- Hypereutectic or forged pistons
> -- High squish combustion chamber mods by Ray Sedman
> I would add __ enlarged, angles exhaust tubes.
> -- Streetable performance cam
> -- Headers
> -- Higher compression
> -- Safeguard to go with the above(consider ceramic coatings instead)
> -- Roller rockers (many say this is not worth the expense)
For a STREET performance engine, forget the headers, "enlarged, angles
exhaust tubes" and roller rockers unless you just want to throw money
at the thing and plan to drive it like a maniac on the street and want
to brag about all your mods.
If you want to use all the best parts you can buy, put the roller
rockers back in. Use a good dual exhaust system with some nice mufflers
and be happy with it.
Bruce W, Schug
CORSA South Carolina
Greenville, SC
CORSA member since 1981
'67 Monza. "67AC140"