<VV> Re: Prototype Motor

Tony tonyu@roava.net
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 23:44:14 -0800

At 2306 02/20/2004 -0500, vairologist@juno.com wrote:
>Smitty says:  I have been informed that CPF did bite the big one and
>purchase the modular engine that came available a couple or three years  

Either that or it's been "on loan".   I assume that the other one is still
in that car someplace...?   And what's the story on a third engine?  I keep
hearing that other modular engines escaped GM along the way.   

>ago.  So we do have one after all.  It's a shame they didn't both come
>available at the same time.  Nothing brings out the true value of
>something like competition of enterprise.       

I suppose it depends on how much the engine actually cost the museum.   

It would be even more interesting if it had an induction system on it and
it would actually start and run.   Now *that* would be a novel display.    
