<VV> Just announced: Nader is entering the race as an
Rodney Sampson
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 17:37:34 -0600
That's funny, The last election some kid asked me to vote for Ralph,
as I drove up in my 65 rust bucket...and I retorted "No way!"
He looked surprised...Duh...
Perhaps we should re-publish the SAE documents about how Ralphs conducted his testing....
At 1410 02/20/2004 -0500, Bill Elliott wrote:
Get ready for another round of "remember the Corvair" news stories...
it's just now been announced that Ralph Nader is entering the
Presidential race as an Independent (not a Green)!
Could it be...? Ralph is actually gonna pull a "Perot" and run so as to
pull Leftist votes? The guy must be a closet Republican!
And of course the Corvair nonsense is likely to start back up again, with
those silly little sideline notes of how Nader "killed" the Corvair etc ad
I'm glad to hear it... never got one of those big "Nader for President"
signs to use under my FNADER car at shows!!!
I wonder of there's gonna be a different bumper sticker this time... green
instead of blue...?