<VV> bell housing bolt w/ saw mark
Larry Forman
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 21:13:46 -0800
Hi Rickie,
I don't think that is stock. I bet someone made a modification to the top
bolt which is the most difficult to remove. If you loosen it first and
then use a screwdriver to back it out quickly from the top above the
engine, it comes out faster. Some people have modified a wrench making it
a bent wrench for reaching around the bell housing and loosening this
bolt. GM would not take the time to make something special like that to
make it easier for the service people. Some things yes, but not for
that. It is an old mechanics trick to make things work better.
At 08:03 PM 2/18/2004 -0600, Williams, Rickie wrote:
>Tonight while detailing the bell housing bolts for the raffle car, I
>discovered something that I think I have seen mentioned here on VV, but I
>forget the particulars. Of the seven bolts, 2 are longer and are for the
>starter. The remaining 5 have a special head. One of these five has what
>appears to be a cross between a screw driver slot and a hack saw mark in the
>threaded end of the bolt. I have never needed to use a screwdriver to get
>out any of the bolts, but assuming that this is a factory bolt, which hole
>did I take it out of?
>Rickie Williams