<VV> RE: oil disposal (sort of automotive)
Mon, 16 Feb 2004 16:48:06 -0500
That's how Larry Claypool does it! The Vair Shop is entirely heated with
used oil, mostly from Corvairs.
YENBAT@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/15/04 2:57:36 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> kovacsmk@Access4Less.net writes:
> For 30 years I have been recycling my crankcase oil into the oil fired
> home heating system. I know someone will tell me it can't work for a
> dozen or more technical reasons, but it works fine for me. Think about
> it, 1 gallon of clean well filtered oil into 100 to 500 gallons of fuel
> oil 4-5 times a year. It also saves the price of a gallon of heating oil
> for each automotive oil change.
> Getting all the information is most of the solution.
> Mike,
> It probably has a higher heat content than your usual heating oil. Just won't
> vaporize very
> well by itself. Mixed like you have it it'll work just fine. You should
> collect what you can from
> other members and neighbors. Save your self a few bucks and unclog the recyle
> loop a
> little.
> This was a common practice in repair shops and may still be.
> I did this for many years when I lived in the frozen wilderness of Ill-Annoy.
> Including oil from my Corvairs... Required content
> Tim Abney