<VV> Still runs a little funny

NicolCS@aol.com NicolCS@aol.com
Mon, 16 Feb 2004 16:38:58 EST

Is it possible that you have a fuel delivery problem?  I had a car once with 
a weak fuel pump that behaved this way.  Clogged filters (two in carb, one in 
tank), or a hole in the rubber line by the starter also cause fuel starvation. 
 In the case of my car, the real clue was that it would run smoothly only 
when the engine was not loaded.
Craig Nicol
<snip>There's a specific spot, where the engine runs smoothly and has a 
decent amount of power, but if I push the gas pedal 1mm past that spot, it feels 
like its missing, and the power drops way off.  Anywhere past that magic spot, 
the acceleration is substantially LESS (smooth linear increase of power from 
0-50% throttle, from 51-100%, power is significantly reduced and running is 
rough). <unsnip>