<VV> Re: [FC] A Better Oil Container?
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 08:19:20 -0500
My wife gets cat litter in these plastic containers at Wal-Mart which have a
wide mouth so you can see the oil level rise as you are dumping your waste
oil in. They work great, and I just take the waste oil back to Wal Mart in
them. Previously I was using 5 gallon containers from gear oil which I got
from a local garage. They worked OK as well but had a small opening so I had
to use a funnel to pour.
Gary Swiatowy
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Wells" <jfwells@ptd.net>
To: <corvanatics@corvair.org>; <virtualvairs@skiblack.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: [FC] A Better Oil Container?
> * Greenbrier Goon * wrote:
> > Hey everybody:
> >
> > It seems that everyone in my town sells the exact same oil container
> > for automotive oil changes. It's a round, black 12 quart container
> > with a very poor quality plastic cap. The cap keeps breaking and
> > nobody sells a replacement.
> >
> > I was fed-up at searching for a replacement cap so I threw out my old
> > container and bought a new one a while back. Now the cap is broken on
> > it.
> >
> > Does anyone sell a really top quality oil container? Something really
> > sturdy with a stong cap. Maybe a metal cap.
> >
> > There has to be something better than this out there. Most
> > businesses in my town tend to sell poor quality products because
> > there doesn't seem to be a demand for good products...or people
> > willing to pay for good products.
> >
> > Maybe somebody knows where a replacement cap can be found by mail
> > order.
> >
> > Charles
> Where we live the township runs the recycling center. Nobody uses those
> containers. People use old bleach bottles, antifreeze bottles, oil
> etc. and the center accepts those. Drop them off in the designated area
> the employees dump the oil and dispose of the bottles. A possibility
> you live?
> Beats the old days when we used the old oil to keep down the dust on the
> dirt roads.
> Jeff Wells
> Blue Mountain/Lehigh Valley Corvair Clubs; CORSA, too
> jfwells@ptd.net
> '65 Monza
> '64 Corvan "Hippie Power"
> and other stuff
> ---
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