<VV> Re: WUM Update
Sat, 7 Feb 2004 13:33:50 EST
In a message dated 2/7/2004 11:04:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
virtualvairs-request@corvair.org writes:
> $$$ for gas???? We have to mortage our Million Dollar houses to get a
> tankfull! I know, "I'm way over " on this car...but it is an "Ultra" ggg
> Wait
> until you see the $30 seat covers....
> Tanks [sp] for the offer of the Dogdishes....but Angel eats at the table!
> LOL!!
> Matt Nall CORSA, CCC, WCC
Geez! I thought the existing seat covers looked fine as is...nary a sign
of springs protruding at all! In fact the whole interior looked really
useable. Just be careful when lifting out the back seat to find the input shaft...I
hear that's where Gila Monsters nest. I noticed it actually has
floorboards...metal ones even! Such a refreshing change from the typical UM's around
here. We consider it a lucky find if there's a brake line and 2 sill plates
holding the car from bustin in half. Well, back to ridding the world of useless
bandwidth...take care Matt!
Bruce Webster
'60 500 Sedan (See the USA "through" your Chevrolet)
'61 700 Coupe
'64 900 Coupe (wanna drag batteries for pink slips?)