<VV> removing u-joints

PatioMatt@aol.com PatioMatt@aol.com
Sat, 7 Feb 2004 10:38:28 EST

This is wild!  Is rust that big of a problem..really???  Sounds like the 
gyrations Hankie goes thru....just going to the toilet! LOL!!

Here in LaLaland.....We just remove the 2 caps [ that already fell 
off!]...lay those across the jaws of the vise.....hit the DS yoke with 2lb sledge...and 
the cap pops out!
Reverse..and it's done......squeeze the new caps between the jaws with the 
appropriate sockets!

I've actually done this beside the road....using the Jack! 
Matt Nall  CORSA, CCC, WCC