<VV> Corvair for sale advertisement
Bob Coffin
Fri, 6 Feb 2004 10:15:27 -0700
Not to temp you all too much, but before I put up on Ebay, I wanted to let
you know of a recent acquisition that I am selling to finance my new shop
and the move to Dobson, NC. Car has been thoroughly checked over.
1966 Corvair Monza with factory air conditioning and automatic. Miles
approximately 60K[ speedo repaired and set to zero@ about 55K],Very nice Az
car with no rust ever.All systems work except wipers., which work when wash
button is pushed but not by the switch.Good original style narrow white wall
tires. No leaks and PG trans shifts as it is supposed to.
New headliner and carpets, but seats need to be re upholstered.Door panels
still in good shape.
Please pass the word to anyone you think might be interested. The car is
priced to sell @ $2800 or best offer.
Picture of car is attached.
Thanks for your help.
Bob Coffin
Mesa, Az , soon to be Dobson , NC
4890 964 4996
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