<VV> dash paint

MDVAIR@aol.com MDVAIR@aol.com
Thu, 5 Feb 2004 20:01:01 EST

    You are correct in that this area was considerable rougher then the other 
interior painted surfaces.  I haven't been happy with some of the results I 
have obtained using flat and semi flat paint.  I have just recently purchased 
some lawn furniture paint at Home Depot (or Lowes), it is Rust-Oleum Texture 
(Fine textured finish).  I painted some Lawn Furniture and noticed that the 
finish is just what I'm looking for to use in the dash area you are talking about. 
 I will be repainting the dash in one of my cars in a few weeks using this. 
You might check this out. 

Mike Dobie
CORSA and NTCA member 

>Subject: dash paint

>The permanent portion of the dash of my 65 Corsa convertible, that is, the
>portion visible between the instrument cluster and the glove compartment, and
>which contains the radio and ashtray, is painted with a material with a
>texture approximating 150 grit wet or dry sandpaper.  This area, as well as
>the area immediately behind windshield, has rust bleeding through the paint
>and I wish to refinish it.  I have obtained some "zero gloss" paint which is
>close to the sheen of the original material, but not the texture.  My local
>paint shop, as well as several body repair shops, are unable to advise me as
>to what to do.  I thought of mixing in some microspheres (used for thickening
>epoxies) to try to replicate the texture.  However, I am convinced someone 
>there has addressed this problem and has just the solution.  Any help is
>greatly appreciated.

>Paul Michalczyk