<VV> Re: my lakewood delemas so far and aaca(yup its windy)

N2VZD@aol.com N2VZD@aol.com
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 20:11:22 EST

well i may spring for replating on my bumpers afterall. the paint work is 
going to be cheaper than i thought so it will cover it. i have a great plater 
here in syracuse. my other problem is weather i like pearlcoat paint or straight 
color. (thinking reds).  anyone have thoughts on pearlcoats instead of 
straight clearcoats?  this is going to be a driver with local showing maybe at times.
i am losing ground on all my corvair stuff this winter because of all the 
snow(up to my butt).  hope to catch up somehow soon.  at least they are all 
my first run with A A C A shows was years ago in syracuse.  a couple of us 
registered for a show here and got our packets in the mail.  when we showed up 
after being placed on the field, they came around and told us we were not 
eligible for judgeing.  i told them (and i knew a lot of the other show 
participants) that if they took the money with all the info provided i felt they had 2 
choices...judge us or pay us back and apologize..(another guy with several 60's 
chryslers from cortland area, 30 miles away showed up to same welcome and he 
got ugly about it)  they finally took care us  and in the future were more 
friendly about it.(good pr after all)  just more of my history. regards tim colson