<VV> What sealer to use for fresh air vents (kickpanels)?
Jim McLott
Wed, 04 Feb 2004 15:49:56 -0500
Andy, this question comes up occasionally here on VV and I've saved some of the more knowledgeable replies. A 3M product called "Automotive Bedding & Glazing Compound", Part # 08509, seems to be the most commonly recommended product.
Good luck and let us know how it works. One of these days I'm going to remove and paint the kick panels in Christine, so I'm interested to hear how this stuff works.
Jim McLott & Christine the 1966 Monza convertible she-devil
Member: CORSA, Corvair Atlanta & Group Red
>>> "Kinzelman, Andy" <akinzelm@greatnortherncorp.com> 02/04/04 02:02PM >>>
Hi, everybody,
I have finished repairing the floors on the passenger's side of the car. However, I had to remove the kickpanel / vent from the drivers side. When I reassemble it, what do I use for sealer around the vent?
Andy K.