<VV> Re: Replacement FC round mirror
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 17:53:49 EST
In a message dated 2/3/2004 4:35:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,
virtualvairs-request@corvair.org writes:
> The original FC outside rearview mirror had a three-screw base with a
> matching three-nut metal plate inside the door skin for rigidity. The base
> and
> shaft were a solid cast metal design with the shaft measuring approximately
> 4" and
> slightly curved towards the outside. The mirror head was a basic GMC &
> Chevrolet truck 5" round design commonly used in the early '60's. Most FC's
> I've
> seen, owned or parted out lacked this somewhat rare, factory-installed
> mirror.
> I would guess that is why so many had the aftermarket, dealer-installed
> "elephant ears" style mirrors. Today, you can get the currently
> reproduced GMC
> &Chevy truck outside mirrors on the market. These have the same mounting
> pad design but are made of stamped steel with a shaft which is a tube and is
> about 10" long as it goes straight out and back. They come in black but
> can be
> painted to match the body as the originals. The repro mirror head is
> exactly the same as the originals. Of course you can get the repros or a
> nice used
> original from us!
> Regards,
> Jeff Williams
As shipped from the factory a car or truck wouldn't have had mirrors
installed although I'd guess the special mounting of the smaller peep mirror ( the
caged nuts inside the door) would have been factory installed if the customer
ordered said mirror(s). Prior to 1965 it wasn't required that GM sell a car
with a rear view mirror so pretty much anything that didn't require factory
mounts was dealer installed. From what I've seen a lot of installations were
done without the proper use of templates. I've had 2 examples of cars with
mirrors mounted on the front fenders (earlies)...guess that's what the customer
wanted. A lot of early factory photos of FC's show the west coast style mirrors
installed when in reality they were only first listed as options in 1964. To
basicly quote what Larry Claypool said, "if it would sell a car the dealer was
happy to bolt on anything you wanted". Point is, if the mirror on your FC
exacts anything that Chevy offered at the time it could be deemed correct for
the vehicle....it might not pass classification though if you're shooting for
original stock class.
Back when I had my 64 Greenbrier I found some great rectagular mirror heads
to replace the small round ones on the peep mirrors...about 5"X7" that gave
much better overall rearward vission and they seemed to suit the bracket better.
I doubt these would avoid hitting the wind vent window but I'll have a look
the next time I'm in Canadian Tire to see if they still stock them.
Bruce Webster
'60 500 Sedan
'61 700 Coupe
'64 900 Coupe