jryall@juno.com jryall@juno.com
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 07:47:19 -0500

What I have always done is to remove the spark plug and put my finger
over the hole to feel compression.  When compression is felt, then rotate
the engine until the timing marks show TDC, then insert the distributor. 
There is a potential problem here, because the harmonic balancer has an
inner and outer section bonded by a rubber material, and they can
separate, meaning that the TDC mark on the balancer is no longer in line
with TDC on the crank.  There are marks on the face of the inner and
outer segments that should aligned.  If not, the harmonic balancer has
slipped and must be replaced.  I think this is why every time you turn
the engine (I assume you are turning by the fan belt) the TDC marks

The labor intensive way to do it is to put a plug, not a spark plug, but
a physical stop in the spark plug hole of no. 1 cylinder.  Carefully
rotate the engine until the piston rests against the stop.  Mark the
balancer.  rotate the engine backwards until the piston again rests
against the stop and mark the balancer again.  True TDC is exactly in the
middle of the two marks.

John Ryall
On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 08:23:10 +0200 "Charles Kruger" <ckruger@fin-x.com>
> HI there
> Just a quick question
> I am putting a 110hp engine in to a puma kit car all went well until 
> i got to
> the timing part and TDC
> how do i get TDC on this engine ?
> Let me explain
> I had to remove the disturbitor to fit the engine and well i never 
> checked the
> timing oops i know stupid
> when i then got it all in and back together i noticed that the rotor 
> in the
> distrubitor is not facing the No1 plug anymore so i took out the no1 
> plug and
> turned the crank so that the no1 piston is right at the top and when 
> i looked
> at the timing marks on the front pully it was on 0deg so i reconed 
> all is well
> but a little voice told me to just make doubley sure so i turned the 
> crank
> around and around until the piston was on top and the timing marks 
> where spot
> on but o dear the rotor is not facing the same direction as before 
> so i turned
> the crank back and well i get a lot of TDC's on this engine
> So how do i know when she is really on TDC
> Please help
> CK

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