Charles Kruger
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 08:23:10 +0200
HI there
Just a quick question
I am putting a 110hp engine in to a puma kit car all went well until i got to
the timing part and TDC
how do i get TDC on this engine ?
Let me explain
I had to remove the disturbitor to fit the engine and well i never checked the
timing oops i know stupid
when i then got it all in and back together i noticed that the rotor in the
distrubitor is not facing the No1 plug anymore so i took out the no1 plug and
turned the crank so that the no1 piston is right at the top and when i looked
at the timing marks on the front pully it was on 0deg so i reconed all is well
but a little voice told me to just make doubley sure so i turned the crank
around and around until the piston was on top and the timing marks where spot
on but o dear the rotor is not facing the same direction as before so i turned
the crank back and well i get a lot of TDC's on this engine
So how do i know when she is really on TDC
Please help