<VV> Re: new list headers

Bryan Blackwell bryan@skiblack.com
Sun, 1 Feb 2004 18:15:18 -0500

Hi Chuck,

I don't think so, but we're going to try and find some solution.  It 
appears you're using Eudora, can you let me know if that's true?  No 
one mentionend this on any of the other lists, so I'm guessing this is 
particular to Eudora.

To other VV users - is anyone who *is not* using Eudora sees the 
headers Chuck is talking about, please drop us a note at vv-help with 
what operating system and mail program you are using.  Thanks.


On Sunday, February 1, 2004, at 02:09 AM, Louis C. Armer, Jr. wrote:

> Hey Bryan, Is there any way that you can format the new server so all
> the "help etc." is at the bottom of the individual posts instead of at 
> the
> beginning? It would be more reader friendly and require less scrolling 
> to
> reach the body of each message.
> Chuck Armer
> Corvair Atlanta, BOD
> CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman
> http://carmerjr.home.mindspring.com/