<VV> (VV) rejected
Arjay Morgan
Sun, 1 Feb 2004 14:16:51 -0800 (PST)
I'm trying this every way I can think of.
Somehow, with the advent of the new server and
software I'm no longer a member of VV. (See below)
What's strange is that I continue to receive the VV
Stranger still, when the switch was made the digests
began to be filed by Hotmail in my Junk Mail file.
Yes, I know glitches are to be expected when changes
are made, but in my case these glitches amount to
disaster. I would wonder how many are similarly
afflicted, but given the nature of the problem they
probably are unable to respond.
Sure hope this can be resolved before I'm forced to
buy an old DeSoto.
Arjay Morgan
64 Monza convert
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